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Welcome to the website of the Office of the Regional Director, Directorate of Archaeology, Khulna and Barisal Division

মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped





Ministry of Cultural Affairs



1.  Director


     a.  To act as administrative head and is responsible for overall administration of the  

          Directorate of Archaeology.

     b.  To act as an adviser to the administrative Ministry on technical matters and on

          formulation of policies concerning the Directorate.

     c.  To act as Principal Accounting Officer of the Directorate within the budget


  1. To be responsible for the administration and execution of function of the

     Directorate as per Acts, Ordinance, Rules and Regulations and directives issued by  

     the Government from time to time.

f.   To provide executive and operational guidance to the field staff and exercise

     control and supervision over them.

g.  To be responsible for appointing Class II, III and IV employees of the Directorate

     as per existing procedure.

  1. To be responsible for issuing clear standing orders laying down the maximum

     extent of delegation of powers to the officers serving under him.

  1. To control and supervise the work of the Directorate.
  2. To represent the Directorate and where personal representation is not possible to select representative on his behalf.
  3. To grant earned leave etc. to all Class-I officers under him.
  4. To meet all officers under him located in the same station once in a month to review cases pending for disposal for over a month.
  5. To inspect his office at least once in a month and field offices at least once in a quarter in addition to annual inspection.
  6. To allocate duties of officers as and when required.
  7. Ensure revenue collection where applicable and safeguard Government property under his charge.
  8. To be responsible for maintaining proper security measures of the Directorate of Archaeology.
  9. To be responsible for Planning of Exploration and Excavation.
  10. To be responsible for protection of ancient Monuments.
  11. To be responsible for preservation and conservation of protected monuments of the Directorate.
  12. To be responsible for Planning and establishment of Museums and their maintenance.
  13. To be responsible for research work on the subject and their publication.
  14. To be responsible for controlling of antiquities as per Antiquities Act of 1968.
  15. To be responsible for presentation of our Ancient Cultural Relics in National and International Forum.
  16. To represent Bangladesh at International Organizations such as ICOM. ICCROM. Commonwealth Association of Museums etc. and other regional organizations for preservation and presentation of cultural heritage.
  17. Liaison between the UNESCO and UNDP for the preservation of the National heritage.
  18. To work as executive member of various Autonomous and Semi-Government Museums such as Dhaka Museum, Varendra Research Museum (Rajshahi) and Tribal Museum (Rangamati) as and when required.
  19. To act as Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Antiquities constituted by the Government as per Sub-clause 3 of the Anitquities Act of 1968.
  20. To act as Member-Secretary of the Coordination Committee for Archaeology.
  21. Any other duties assigned by the Government.


2.  Regional Directors (Division)


      a.   To be responsible for administration of the Regional office and site offices within

            the Division.

  1. To be responsible for supervision and execution of all conservation and other

      works of the Division as per plan and estimate approved by the Director.

  1. To conduct excavation of ancient sites as per approved scheme.
  2. To be responsible for preparation of elaborate Excavation Reports and submit it to the Director for publication.
  3. To be responsible for exploration and survey for proper documentation of all ancient Mounds and Monuments within the Division.
  4. To be responsible for submission of self-contained proposals for protection of ancient mounds and monuments of cultural value.
  5. To be responsible for collection of antiquities for their preservation in the Museum.
  6. To be responsible for maintenance of Archaeological (Govt.) Museums within the Division.
  7. To be responsible for maintenance of protected monuments within the Division.
  8. To be responsible for maintenance of the Departmental staff quarters, civil buildings and rest-houses at out stations.
  9. To be responsible for conducting research and supervision of research works of the junior scholars.
  10. To be responsible to keep the Director well informed about the works of the Division and submit monthly progress Report in time.
  11. To appoint all Class-IV staff and if and when required by the Director select and recommend candidates for appointment to Class-III posts of the Division.
  12. Transfer and posting of all Class-IV staff within the Division.
  13. Transfer and posting of Class-III staff within the Division with the approval of the Director.
  14. Any other duty assigned by the Director/Government.


3. Deputy Director (Protection And Antiquities)


       a.  To assist the Director in planning all Departmental activities connected with the

            conservation, preservation and presentation of cultural heritage.

  1. All works connected with the protection of ancient sites and monuments.
  2. Inspection of antiquities in connection with issuance of license.
  3. To be responsible for administration of his branch.
  4. To conduct research work on the subject.
  5. Any other duty assigned by the Director.


4. Deputy Director (Epigraphy & Numismatics)


  1. To be responsible for administration of the branch.
  2. To be responsible for decipherment of ancient inscriptions and coins.
  3. To be responsible for editing all works of decipherment and other research works done by his junior scholars.
  4. To submit monthly and quarterly reports of decipherment to the Director.
  5. To submit the results of decipherment for publication in the departmental journal.
  6. Any other duty assigned by the Director.


5. Deputy Director (Publication)


  1. To be responsible for administration of the branch.
  2. To be responsible for publication of departmental journal, books, guide books, brochures, view cards and other publicity materials. 
  3. To be responsible for editing and coordination of research works done by Departmental scholars.
  4. To arrange seminar and exhibition as and when required.
  5. To arrange publicity both at home and abroad.
  6. To be responsible for administration and selection of books for the departmental library.
  7. Any other duty assigned by the Director.


6. Deputy Director/Keeper (Ethnological Museum, Chittagong)


  1. To be responsible for administration of the Ethnological Museum.
  2. To be responsible for collection of antiquities and their proper display in the Museum.
  3. To be responsible for curatorial jobs including research work.
  4. To control expenditure.
  5. Any other duty assigned by the Director or the Regional Director of the Division. 


7.  Archaeological Chemist


  1. To be responsible for smooth functioning of the laboratory.
  2. To be responsible for chemical treatment of movable antiquities in the laboratory and in the Departmental Museums.
  3. To be responsible for Chemical treatment of ancient monuments.
  4. To visit and inspect sites and museums and submit regular reports to the Director about their state of preservation.
  5. To assist Director to plan Chemical Conservation of Antiques.
  6. Any other duty assigned by the Director.


8. Assistant Director, Epigraphy and Numismatics (Arabic and Persian)


  1. To assist Deputy Director in all works of the branch.
  2. To be responsible for decipherment of ancient inscriptions, coins and manuscripts in Arabic and Persian.
  3. To be responsible for participation in Archaeological Exploration and Excavation.
  4. To be responsible for cataloguing of coins discovered in Excavation or otherwise collected.
  5. Any other duty assigned by the Director or by the Deputy Director concerned.


9. Assistant Director, Epigraphy and Numismatics’ (Sanskrit)


  1. To be assist the Deputy Director in all works of the branch.
  2. To be responsible for decipherment of ancient inscriptions (copper plates, stone inscriptions etc.) coin; and manuscripts in Sanskrit, Pali, Proto-Bengali and in ancient Bengali.
  3. To be responsible for participation in Archaeological Exploration and Excavation.
  4. To be responsible for collection of manuscripts and their cataloguing.
  5. Any other duty assigned by the Director or by the Deputy Director concerned.


10. Assistant Director-4 (Division)


  1. To assist the respective Regional Director in administration.
  2. To work as drawing and Disbursing Officer of the Office of the Regional Director.
  3. To be responsible for Excavation of selected sites.
  4. To be responsible for exploration and survey of ancient sites and monuments.
  5. To supervise all works of his junior officers and scholars in connection with excavation and survey.
  6. To be responsible for preparation of preliminary excavation reports.
  7. To conduct research work in the subject.


11. Assistant Director (Publication)


  1. To assist the superintendent in administration and execution of all works of the


  1. To be responsible for preparation of manuscripts and other printing matters for

      the press.

  1. To be responsible for supervision of actual printing works.
  2. To be responsible for procurement and distribution of departmental publication for sale from Museum counters or otherwise.
  3. To conduct research work on the subject.
  4. Any other duty assigned by the Director or the concerned Deputy Director.


12. Assistant Director, Ethnological Museum, Chittagong


  1. To assist the Deputy Director in administration and in running the museum.
  2. To act as Drawing and Disbursing Officer.
  3. To be responsible for collection of Antiquities from the tribal areas.
  4. To be responsible for display of antiquities in the Museum.
  5. To conduct research and all other curatorial works.
  6. Any other duty assigned by the Director or the concerned Deputy Director.


13. Custodians (Mainamati, Mahashan Paharpur, Rangpur and Lalbagh Fort Museum,)


  1. To be responsible for administration of the respective Museum.
  2. To be responsible for all curatorial job and research works.
  3. To be responsible for collection of Antiquities and their display in the Museum.
  4. To be responsible for supervision of the Archaeological sites.
  5. Participation in excavation and exploration.
  6. To be responsible for Public Relations.  
  7. Any other duty assigned by the Director or the concerned Regional Director.


14. Field Officers-4 (Divisions)


  1. To be responsible for practical field excavation.
  2. To be responsible for preparation of excavation reports.
  3. To be responsible for documentation of antiquities recovered from excavation.
  4. To be responsible for exploration and survey of ancient mounds, monuments and antiquities and their documentation.
  5. To be responsible for regular inspection of protected monuments
  6. To be responsible for collection of antiquities.
  7. Any other Work assigned by the Director or by the respective Regional Director.


15. Archaeological Engineer


  1. To be responsible for administration of the branch.
  2. To be responsible for checking all estimates prepared in the directorate and received from the Regional offices before submission to the Director for approval.
  3. To be responsible for supervision of all Engineering works of the Directorate, Old and New.
  4. To prepare plan and estimate for special repair, Annual repair and major conservation works of ancient protected monuments of the Department.
  5. To execute Development works of the Directorate.
  6. Any other duty assigned by the Director.


16. Assistant Archaeological Engineer (Directorate)


  1. To assist the Archaeological Engineer in administration and execution of all


  1. To be responsible for preparation of estimates.
  2. To be responsible for checking of estimates and work programmes prepared by Sub-Assistant Engineers.
  3. To be responsible for Practical execution of conservation and construction works of the Dhaka Division and elsewhere as per approved plan and estimate.
  4. To be responsible for supervision of works executed by the Sub-Assistant Engineers.


17. Assistant Archaeological Engineer-3 (Division).


  1. To assist the Regional Director in executing of all conservation and civil works.
  2. To be responsible for preparation of estimates.
  3. To be responsible for checking of estimates and work programmes prepared by Sub-Assistant Engineers.
  4. To be responsible for practical execution of conservation and construction works of the Division and elsewhere as per approved plan and estimate. 
  5. To be responsible for supervision of works executed by Sub-Assistant Engineers.
  6. Any other duty assigned by the Director or by the Regional Director of the respective Division.


18. Assistant Architect.


  1. To be responsible for drawing, designing, planning etc. of all civil building of the Directorate such as museum Buildings, Rest Houses, Staff Quarters etc.
  2. To be responsible for preparation of detailed drawings and plans of ancient monuments for their proper conservation and restoration works.
  3. To be responsible for documentation of ancient monuments.


19. Assistant Archaeological Chemist


  1. To assist the Archaeological chemist in running the laboratory.
  2. To be responsible for analytical work in the laboratory.
  3. To be responsible for chemical treatment of all antiquities in the laboratory and in the Departmental Museums.
  4. To be responsible for chemical treatment of ancient monuments of the Directorate.
  5. Any other duties assigned by the Director.


20. Junior Archaeological Chemist-2


  1. To be responsible for chemical treatment of antiquities in the laboratory and in

      the Museums. 

  1. To be responsible for chemical treatment of protected ancient Monuments.
  2. To be responsible for preparation of Replicas of antiquities as and when needed.
  3. To be responsible for participation in excavation works.
  4. Any other duties assigned by the Director.


21. Assistant Director (Administration)


  1. To assist the Director in administration and execution of all works of the


  1. To be responsible for preparation of the recurring budget.
  2. To be responsible for Drawing and Disbursing of the budget allocation.
  3. To be responsible for all works connected with the transfer, promotion and posting of the Gazetted Officers as per direction of the Directorate.
  4. To be responsible for general administration of the Directorate.
  5. To be responsible for preparation of Development Project.
  6. To be responsible for general correspondence.


22. Administrative Officer (Class-II Gazetted)


  1. To assist the Assistant Director (Admn.) in administration.
  2. To be responsible for procurement and distribution of stores for the Directorate and branches.
  3. To be responsible for maintenance of the Departmental Vehicles.
  4. To be responsible for general correspondence with the branches.
  5. To be responsible for all works connected with the transfer and posting of all non-Gazetted staff of the Directorate and its Regional Offices.
  6. To be responsible for maintenance of combined seniority list of all non-Gazetted staff of the Directorate and its Subordinate Offices. 
  7. To be responsible for maintenance of Office furniture’s and other valuable objects of the Directorate.
  8. Any other duty assigned by the Director or by the Asstt. Director, Administration.


23. Designer


  1. To be responsible for designing of book covers, posters, view-cards and other 

      publicity materials.

  1. To be responsible for preparation of dummy of all publications before sending to

      the Press.

  1. To be responsible for the preparation of blocks, drawings and sketches for


  1. To be responsible for preparing levels for museum antiquities.
  2. To assist the custodians in display of antiquities museums.

'‌প্রত্নসম্পদ একটি দেশের অতীত ঐতিহ্যের বাহক' '‌প্রত্নসম্পদ জাতীয় সম্পদরক্ষার দায়িত্ব সকলের' 'পুরাকীর্তি আইন সম্পর্কে সচেতন হোন'